Friday, November 23, 2007

Show Planning

OK,,, now we did it...

Club officers agreed with idea to host major dressage clinic. Made a few calls to find date when we were free, favorite trainer (Lendon Gray) was available, Bloomsburg Fairgrounds horse arena was available and pony club region had nothing going on (almost).

Dressage@Bloomsburg is now official and in the planning stages. If we do this right we'll max out at 85 riders and unlimited space (relatively speaking) for people to 'audit'. 16 hours of instruction in two days. Demonstrations during brief lunch breaks. Plenty of food.

Will have to come up with lists and fallback options for weather, safety, equipment breakdowns...

Suggestions are welcome!

Happy Thanksgiving.



US Bocce guy said...

OK... now how'd THIS for an added attraction? We offer a morning Hack for all interested riders! With a caravan to follow...

From the fairground west along the river, cross the covered bridge (recently renovated), loop that block, back across the bridge, east along the river road to Town Park, north on Market St to 5th st and then west to other entrance to Fairground... 4.8 miles!

Cute little morning hack!! Value added!


US Bocce guy said...

Talked to God last night...

Guess what!? He scheduled Easter 2008 o the same weekend as our clinics... date change: Mardh 29/30th. Confirmed with Lendon and fairground... argh.

Happy Tudsday!
